Q3 Projects 2010

New for the point deficient:

CCSC Global Environmental Sustaninability Symposium April 5 (Monday)



Attend an afternoon session and write a synopsis of the event. Include presenters/panelists and attach handouts or printed ppt if provided.


The death metal band "Engraved" performance does not count as a session.  


Project list.  List class period, project name & members


Per. 7 - Video on Genetic Engineering and Cloning

Ailie Steir, Nicole Vicino, Lauren Gardner, Peter Knapik 


^ here is our video!!

4/7  Its you reading a script with the camera on the dog!  You can do a lot more than this!

Limited editting/transitions, limited titles.  25 pts


Per 9- Evolution video Part I. part II visible in the "other videos from this user " bar on the side

Hardy Chen, Eric Izydorczak, Dan Atkinson


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2LbEdl4xko  - part I


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo7k0vDr9mI  - Part II