Midterm study Guides



Midterm study guides:  Up to two people form each period can create and work on midterm study guides for each of the exams we have taken. [ a total of 4 guides created- P7 & 9 work together]  Create a Google document.  Clean up the notes by editing and organizing. Include possible (or previous) essay questions and answers.  Make it clean, consise and relevant. Do it by Friday 22nd.  Publish it and paste the link  - see me 1st -   If you want to do this, put your name under the appropriate exam below. First come, first served.   Mr F   Total possible points: 50, based on usefullness and accuracy.


Exam 1

http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddx9275m_1hjp784cm      1/26/10 30 pts

Emilie Held-p7   



Exam 2

Study Guide: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfs4szq7_0hr5mp9c2  1/26/10 40 pts

Hardy Chen-per9

Dan Atkinson-per9

[Need a couple of simple diagrams]


Exam 3

 http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddx9275m_0fkf688c8   1/26/10 30 pts

Emilie Held-p7


Exam 4

Study Guide: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dhsjc9nh_1gt6gc6fr    1/26/10 40 pts

Stephanie Duffy-p9 

Caitlyn Logan- p9

[more bullet points and maybe less wordy would make it more useful.]

finished 1/22




For everyone: Here are flash cards that cover a lot of information from first semester. To use them, click 'familiarize' and then click 'show term first'.

-Jaime Hanks and Jen Lifhits   1/26/10 30 pts